繁體中文【Traditional Chinese】


當訪問者在網站上發表評論時,我們會收集評論表單中顯示的數據,以及訪問者的 IP 地址和瀏覽器用戶代理字符串,以幫助檢測垃圾郵件。
根據您的電子郵件地址創建的匿名字符串(也稱為散列)可能會提供給 Gravatar 服務,以查看您是否在使用它。 Gravatar 服務隱私政策可在此處獲取:https://automattic.com/privacy/。 在您的評論獲得批准後,您的個人資料圖片將在您的評論上下文中對公眾可見。

RE-:Petite 所使用於網站上所有內容,包括但不限於著作、圖片、檔案、資訊、資料、網站架構、網頁設計,均由 RE-:Petite 或其他權利人依法擁有其智慧財產權;請務必於取得 RE-:Petite 及其他權利人書面同意後,才能使用前述資料。

如果您在我們的網站上發表評論,您可以選擇在 cookies 中保存您的姓名、電子郵件地址和網站。 這些是為了您的方便,以便您在發表另一條評論時不必再次填寫您的詳細信息。 這些 cookies 將持續一年。
如果您訪問我們的登錄頁面,我們將設置一個臨時 cookies 以確定您的瀏覽器是否接受 cookies。 此 cookies 不包含任何個人數據,並在您關閉瀏覽器時不被保存。
當您登錄時,我們還會設置多個 cookies 來保存您的登錄信息和您的屏幕顯示選擇。 登錄 cookies 將持續兩天,而屏幕選項 cookies 則持續一年。 如果您選擇“記住我”,您的登錄將持續兩週。 如果您退出帳戶,登錄 cookie 將被刪除。

如果您請求重設密碼,您的 IP 地址將包含在重設電子郵件中。

如果您發表評論,評論及其元數據將無限期保留。 這樣我們就可以自動識別和批准任何後續評論,而不是將它們保留在審核隊列中。
對於在我們網站上註冊的用戶(如果有),我們還會將他們提供的個人信息存儲在他們的用戶資料中。 所有用戶都可以隨時查看、編輯或刪除他們的個人信息(除了他們不能更改他們的用戶名)。 網站管理員還可以查看和編輯該信息。

如果您在本網站上有帳戶或發表過評論,您可以請求接收我們持有的關於您的個人數據的導出文件,包括您提供給我們的任何數據。 您也可以要求我們刪除我們持有的關於您的任何個人數據。 這不包括我們出於管理、法律或安全目的而必須保留的任何數據。


-位置、IP 地址和瀏覽器類型:我們將使用它來估算稅收和運費等目的
– 送貨地址:我們會要求您輸入此地址,例如,我們可以在您下訂單之前估算運費,並向您發送訂單!

當您瀏覽我們的網站時,我們還將使用 cookies 來跟踪購物車內容。
當您從我們這裡購買時,我們會要求您提供信息,包括您的姓名、賬單地址、送貨地址、電子郵件地址、電話號碼、信用卡/付款詳細信息以及用戶名和密碼等可選帳戶信息。 我們會將此信息用於以下目的:
– 向您發送有關您的帳戶和訂單的信息
– 在我們的商店設置您的帳戶
– 向您發送營銷信息,如果您選擇接收它們


我們團隊的成員可以訪問您提供給我們的信息。 例如,管理員和商店經理都可以訪問:
– 訂單信息,例如購買的商品、購買時間和應發送的地點,以及
– 客戶信息,例如您的姓名、電子郵件地址以及賬單和送貨信息。
– 我們的團隊成員可以訪問此信息以幫助完成訂單、處理退款並為您提供支持。

我們與幫助我們向您提供訂單和商店服務的第三方共享信息; 例如 –

我們接受通過 藍新金流、PayPal 和 Line Pay付款。 在處理付款時,您的一些數據將被傳遞給 PayPal 和 Line Pay,包括處理或支持付款所需的信息,例如購買總額和賬單信息。
請參閱 藍新金流隱私權政策PayPal隱私權政策 和 LINE Pay隱私權政策 了解更多詳情。

Who We Are
Our website address is: https://re-petite.com.

When visitors leave comments on the site we collect the data shown in the comments form, and also the visitor’s IP address and browser user agent string to help spam detection.
An anonymized string created from your email address (also called a hash) may be provided to the Gravatar service to see if you are using it. The Gravatar service privacy policy is available here: https://automattic.com/privacy/. After approval of your comment, your profile picture is visible to the public in the context of your comment.

Intellectual Property Rights
All content used by RE-:Petite in this website, including but not limited to works, pictures, files, information, materials, website structure and web design, are legally owned by RE-:Petite or other rights holders; please be sure to the aforementioned materials can only be used with the written consent of RE-:Petite and other obligees.

If you leave a comment on our site you may opt-in to saving your name, email address and website in cookies. These are for your convenience so that you do not have to fill in your details again when you leave another comment. These cookies will last for one year.
If you visit our login page, we will set a temporary cookie to determine if your browser accepts cookies. This cookie contains no personal data and is discarded when you close your browser.
When you log in, we will also set up several cookies to save your login information and your screen display choices. Login cookies last for two days, and screen options cookies last for a year. If you select “Remember Me”, your login will persist for two weeks. If you log out of your account, the login cookies will be removed.

Who We Share Your Data With
If you request a password reset, your IP address will be included in the reset email.

How Long We Retain Your Data
If you leave a comment, the comment and its metadata are retained indefinitely. This is so we can recognize and approve any follow-up comments automatically instead of holding them in a moderation queue.
For users that register on our website (if any), we also store the personal information they provide in their user profile. All users can see, edit, or delete their personal information at any time (except they cannot change their username). Website administrators can also see and edit that information.

What Rights You Have Over Your Data
If you have an account on this site, or have left comments, you can request to receive an exported file of the personal data we hold about you, including any data you have provided to us. You can also request that we erase any personal data we hold about you. This does not include any data we are obliged to keep for administrative, legal, or security purposes.

Where Your Data Is Sent
Visitor comments may be checked through an automated spam detection service.
We collect information about you during the checkout process on our store.

What We Collect And Store
While you visit our site, we’ll track:
-Products you’ve viewed: we’ll use this to, for example, show you products you’ve recently viewed
-Location, IP address and browser type: we’ll use this for purposes like estimating taxes and shipping
-Shipping address: we’ll ask you to enter this so we can, for instance, estimate shipping before you place an order, and send you the order!

We’ll also use cookies to keep track of cart contents while you’re browsing our site.
When you purchase from us, we’ll ask you to provide information including your name, billing address, shipping address, email address, phone number, credit card/payment details and optional account information like username and password. We’ll use this information for purposes, such as, to:
-Send you information about your account and order
-Respond to your requests, including refunds and complaints
-Process payments and prevent fraud
-Set up your account for our store
-Comply with any legal obligations we have, such as calculating taxes
-Improve our store offerings
-Send you marketing messages, if you choose to receive them

If you create an account, we will store your name, address, email and phone number, which will be used to populate the checkout for future orders.
We generally store information about you for as long as we need the information for the purposes for which we collect and use it, and we are not legally required to continue to keep it.
We will also store comments or reviews, if you choose to leave them.

Who On Our Team Has Access
Members of our team have access to the information you provide us. For example, both Administrators and Shop Managers can access:
-Order information like what was purchased, when it was purchased and where it should be sent, and
-Customer information like your name, email address, and billing and shipping information.
-Our team members have access to this information to help fulfill orders, process refunds and support you.

What We Share With Others
We share information with third parties who help us provide our orders and store services to you; for example —

We accept payments through Newebpay, PayPal and Line Pay. When processing payments, some of your data will be passed to PayPal and Line Pay, including information required to process or support the payment, such as the purchase total and billing information.
Please see the Newebpay Privacy Policy, PayPal Privacy Policy and Line Pay Privacy Policy for more details.